Kuranda Region Town Water Overview

There are around 60 different crops grown in the Barron River catchment area.According to the Australian Pesticides and Veterinary Medicine Authority corn on its own has 1415 products registered to be used. After heavy rain events the Barron is quite easily transformed into an agricultural drain. The water test suites which include heavy metals and

KUR-World Public Meeting 11 August 2016

Join our Kuranda Region community at the KUR-World Public Meeting on Thursday 11 August 2016 at the Rec Centre on Fallon Road. Kuranda 7 - 8.30pm. Kuranda Region Planning Group will present an overview of the proposal in relation to residents.  We look forward to your views on the proposal. See you there! For more

Koah Farming District / Clohesy River Preferred Area 3

Sent to Mareeba Shire Council 29 July 2016 Dear Councillor We are concerned that council's investigation of the preferred area No. 3 Clohesy River area (which covers the whole of Koah past the Koah service station down to the Barron river) might lead to a reduction of the minimum lot size of the rural zone

Kuranda Region Planning Group meeting (KRPG)

You are invited to Kuranda Region Planning Group meeting (KRPG) (formerly Friends of Kuranda Region Planning Group) Sunday 17 July at midday at Fallon Rd Rec Centre to discuss KUR WORLD. Please see agenda below. We aim to start promptly so please come on time and bring finger food to share if you plan to


Update | The Planning Act 2016 is here | 7 July 2016 We’re delighted that the Queensland Parliament has given its assent to the new planning legislation, which marks a renewed approach to planning in our great state. The new legislation, which will commence in mid-2017, is a key enabler to achieving our vision of having the

KUR-World / Barnwell Road

Barnwell Road Historically Zoned Rural 12 Titles The KUR-World proposed project area is located centrally in the Kuranda township on 626ha – approximately a third of all residential land subdivided in Kuranda so far.  The project area straddles sensitive habitat for endangered Wet Tropics species and development will severely impact on the Kuranda Envirolink Corridor.

  • Wrong Way Go Back

Our Case to Council: Why we want Mareeba Shire Council’s Draft Plan changed

A delegation from the Friends of Kuranda is scheduled to meet with Mareeba Shire Council on January 20th. Below is the documentation we have submitted to Council in advance of the meeting. Documentation to Councillors related to FoK's forthcoming meeting with Mareeba Shire Council on 20th January 2016 Friends of Kuranda Region Planning Group   1.

  • Asking for help

Please show your support for the Friends of Kuranda and our goals!

This is a request for help! If you live in our region and support our efforts, you can help a lot by: contacting Mareeba Shire Councillors and tell them you support Friends of Kuranda's demand for a first-rate planning scheme that genuinely protects our wildlife and biodiversity comimg to support us at the Mareeba Shire Council meeting

  • Terrain NRM

Terrain NRM critique strengthens concerns about Mareeba Shire Council’s draft plan

Friends of Kuranda is working closely with as many people as possible to increase our understanding of these complex planning issues and seek better conservation outcomes. Terrain NRM is one organisation we've contacted that has been very constructive in its response. Gary Searle, Natural Resources Management Strategy and Knowledge Team Leader at Terrain NRM, has prepared a comparison