Kuranda Region Planning Group Mission Statement

Kuranda Region Planning Group (KRPG) is a network of community groups, residents from the Kuranda region and wildlife experts. We believe that the natural, cultural and social environments are inter-linked and should be considered holistically in any land use planning for the Kuranda region.  Our objective is for inter-generational equity.

Our mission is to liaise with Bulwai traditional owners to

  1. Protect the land we live on and its water and to enhance its biodiversity and cultural values. In this way all children, and their children, can enjoy the peace, beauty and long cultural history of the Kuranda Region.
  2. Encourage sustainable ways of living and development that
    1. Help our region prosper and provide people with meaningful work, purpose and a good standard of living and health.
    2. Helps heal the social injustices of the past.
    3. Leads to increased harmony and well-being in our community.