You are invited to

Kuranda Region Planning Group meeting (KRPG)
(formerly Friends of Kuranda Region Planning Group)
Sunday 17 July at midday at Fallon Rd Rec Centre
to discuss KUR WORLD.

Please see agenda below.

We aim to start promptly so please come on time and bring finger food to share if you plan to eat.

Feel free to post this invitation widely- everyone concerned about the KUR WORLD  who supports sustainable development is welcome to attend.

Hope to see you there. Please get in touch if you need help with transport or have any questions.

ph 4085 0054


12 Welcome to Country

12.05 Introduction by Chair & attendance register

12.10 Approve previous KRPG minutes

12.15 Mareeba Shire Council  plan update and timeline for KRPG feedback document to council

12.25 KUR – World Campaign

  • Brief Update – 10 mins

12.35 KUR-World development

  • agree outcomes desired
  • what strategy threads
  • who do we need to influence
  • what’s missing – what do we need that we don’t have
  • agree ongoing structure for coordination of campaign

1.55pm Set next meeting date

Please note: We aim to start promptly so please come on time and bring finger food to share if you plan to eat.