Update | The Planning Act 2016 is here | 7 July 2016

We’re delighted that the Queensland Parliament has given its assent to the new planning legislation, which marks a renewed approach to planning in our great state.

The new legislation, which will commence in mid-2017, is a key enabler to achieving our vision of having the best planning system in the country and one that secures the liveability, sustainability and prosperity of our communities. The new legislation comprises:

The Department of Infrastructure, Local Government and Planning is are committed to helping all Queenslanders understand the planning system and will provide a suite of information to cater for everyone’s needs. This includes publishing material, providing on-line presentations, conducting intensive training and convening local events.

We would like to invite you attend a briefing, where we will provide an overview of the key changes and outline how the department intends to support your group and the broader community in gaining a strong appreciation of the new system over the coming 12 months.

Briefing details are shown below:

Date: Thursday 4 August 2016
Time: 6.30 – 7.30 pm
Location: Novotel cairns Oasis Resort, 122 Lake Street, Cairns, QLD

I encourage you to attend this initial briefing so you are able to inform your members of details on the system and our broader engagement program. Please RSVP via reply email bestplanning-FNQ@dilgp.qld.gov.au

This is an exciting time for Queensland. With planning innovation at the forefront of our agenda, we’re confident that we will be well placed to plan for the future might bring of our cities, towns and rural communities.

If you have any further questions, please contact Sue Lockwood on 4037 3215 or on bestplanning-FNQ@dilgp.qld.gov.au.

Warm Regards
Brett Nancarrow

Manager (Planning)