About Jo Martin

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So far Jo Martin has created 291 blog entries.

MSC2016 Environmental Significance Overlay Revision Pack

Overview In September 2015, Mareeba Shire Council published the latest draft of a new plan for the Shire, which includes the Kuranda Region. A community meeting was called in Kuranda on November 8th 2015 to discuss concerns about the latest draft plan. The meeting resolved: To set up a ‘Friends of the Kuranda Region Planning Group’

MEDIA RELEASE: KUR-World 2.0: More ridiculous than the first KUR-World ‘Master Plan’!

DATE: 15 MAY 2017 MEDIA RELEASE TO: MEDIA LIST KUR-World 2.0: More ridiculous than the first KUR-World 'Master Plan'! Residents and conservationists are incredulous at the release of the latest KUR-World "Master Plan", along with a "Q & A" received from the developer's PR consultants. "This so-called 'KUR-World' proposal in my opinion just gets shonkier. It

LETTER TO MSC: Request for MLES steering group 11 MAY 2017

TO: Tom Gilmore, Councillors FROM: Kuranda Region Planning Group DATE: 11 MAY 2017 Dear Mayor Gilmore and fellow Councillors We write on behalf of the Kuranda Region Planning Group (KRPG) You'll recall that the KRPG - a network of local environmental groups and concerned residents - unsuccessfully lobbied Council for consultation (which you had promised back in

LETTER TO BIRDLIFE.ORG.AU: KBA for Kuranda (mid WTWHA) re Cassowaries 2 MAY 2017

TO: @birdlife.org.au FROM: Jax Bergersen, Kuranda Conservation Community Nursery DATE: 2 MAY 2017 We have recently become aware of your important IUCN document "A Global Standard for the Identification of Key Biodiversity Areas, Version 1.0,23 March 2016" and, due to our data collection on Casuarius casuarius, the Southern Cassowary in the Kuranda region over the

KUR-World Q&A April 2017


Kuranda Region: Wet Tropics Plan for People and Country

We are excited to announce the introduction of the Wet Tropics Plan for People and Country Portal (WTPPC Portal). Our community groups have been given the opportunity to put our work into the awesome online Portal tool.  This website can then be accessible by the general public so we can keep all our efforts


KRPG Meeting with WTMA / QPWS about proposed Mega-Development KUR-World in Kuranda RegionOn Wednesday 26 April at 10am, our KRPG cohort of 4 met with the WTMA / QPWS  for 2 hours in Kuranda.  We were very grateful to be given the opportunity to present our community story about the environmental threat to the Kuranda Region by the Mega-Development