TO: Tom Gilmore, Councillors
FROM: Kuranda Region Planning Group
DATE: 11 MAY 2017

Dear Mayor Gilmore and fellow Councillors

We write on behalf of the Kuranda Region Planning Group (KRPG)

You’ll recall that the KRPG – a network of local environmental groups and concerned residents – unsuccessfully lobbied Council for consultation (which you had promised back in 2013)| before finalising the new MSC Shire Plan

After we met with Councillors at a Council meeting in January 2016, and presumably as a consequence of our lobbying, Council resolved at its 3rd Feb 2016 Ordinary Meeting as follows:

Moved by Cr Ewin Seconded by Cr Jensen
That council seeks quotes from suitably qualified consultants to update the environmental significance overlay currently included in the proposed Mareeba Shire planning scheme, to include matters of local environmental significance which did not transition from the draft planning scheme that was put out for community consultation. The cost to be considered for inclusion in the 2016/2017 budget.”

We note that progress has been made on this and funds for the project were allocated in Council’s current budget.

Given that Kuranda region environment groups are key stakeholders in this new process we ask that we are adequately represented on a steering committee to manage the project – helping to ensure that MSC ratepayers get the best value for their investment of funds

As Council has already appointed consultants to carry out the review time is of the essence and we look forward to your prompt response


Jax Bergersen
Willie Brim
Sarah Isaacs
Jo Martin
Steven Nowakowski
Nadine O’Brien
Cathy Retter
Cheryl Tonkin
Syd Walker

for and on behalf of the Kuranda Region Planning Group

TO: Kuranda Region Planning Group
CC: Councillors, Jennifer McCarthy, Anthony Archie, Brian Millard
FROM: Peter Franks MSC CEO
DATE: 18 MAY 2017

Dear Kuranda Region Planning Group members

Thank you for your email regarding the Environmental Significance Overlay. The process that Council is following with regard to this is the standard one used in the development of these sort of items. We have appointed a consultant who will present the Council with a draft overlay after completing the necessary work, which includes a review of the previous work done in this regard. If Council is satisfied with the draft it will be forwarded to the State for their interest checks and review. Once they are satisfied with it, the draft overlay will then be put out for public consultation. After this Council will review all submissions made by the public and, where they feel appropriate, they will make amendments  to the overlay. The nature and scale of these amendments will dictate whether the Overlay is simply adopted with the changes or if it requires a further State review and community consultation again.

At no stage in this process is there a steering committee. The Consultant operates independently, within the bounds of the brief, the Councillors then review the work formally as the Council, the State undertakes its review and then the Community has its opportunity to have its input. It would be inappropriate for any of these process’s to be directed or steered by a committee.

Should you have any information you feel may be of use or significance for the consultant, please  send this to Council and we will forward it to them.



Peter Franks
Chief Executive Officer