FROM: Jax Bergersen, Kuranda Conservation Community Nursery
DATE: 2 MAY 2017

We have recently become aware of your important IUCN document “A Global Standard for the Identification of Key Biodiversity Areas, Version 1.0,23 March 2016” and, due to our data collection on Casuarius casuarius, the Southern Cassowary in the Kuranda region over the last two years, seek to engage more closely with Birdlife Australia to both share our data and to ensure our region is included in your KBAs.

Our work has involved the collection of sightings data from residents throughout the Kuranda region and entering this onto the Wildnet database.  This is new work, more comprehensive than any previously undertaken and has revealed a population far in excess of what was supposed.  We have come to realise the importance of having the population of cassowaries recognised and mapped for the region. We expect that cassowary numbers in this region likely qualify for inclusion under A1 Threatened Species.

Kuranda sits at the narrowest point between the northern and southern sections of the WTWHA and with developmental pressures ever present, it is our responsibility to ensure all levels of authority are aware of the range and habitat requirements of the Southern Cassowary.

We wish to begin the process that will ensure that the Southern Cassowary in the Kuranda region is thoroughly documented, and seek your assistance in this quest.

Please visit our website at

We look forward to hearing from you as soon as possible so this new information can be elevated to the importance it deserves.

Jax Bergersen
Kuranda Conservation Community Nursery