OPEN ISSUE: Kuranda Benefited Area 2 – Small accommodation operators

The Kuranda Benefited Area 2.1 Special Rate levy was recently introduced in the MSC 2015/16 rates budget for the Kuranda region only. This levy represents a fee for benefiting from the Kuranda Tourism brand and marketing efforts. If you want to advertise your property with Kuranda Tourism, there is an extra fee attached. This

KUR-World: Mareeba Chamber of Commerce Lunch 28 September

Hello Friends concerned over the KUR-World project. An advertisement was published in last week’s Tablelands Advertiser promoting an information lunch for next Wednesday the 28th September. The lunch is being hosted by The Mareeba Chamber of Commerce. Stuart Ricketts will be there to talk about the KUR-World project. This would be very interesting, as not much information has

KUR-World: Public Meeting Thursday 11 August 2016

KUR-World Public Meeting Thursday 11 August 2016 7 – 8.30pm, Rec Centre, Fallon Road. Watch 'Have your Say' videos from our community, click here Willie Brim Welcome to Country KUR-World 11 August 2016 Kuranda Community Meeting 150 in attendance Bob Madden Cathy Retter Introduction KUR-World 11 August 2016 Kuranda Community Meeting

KUR-World: Kuranda Region ‘Have your Say’ Email Collection

To send your own 'Have your Say' email to our government departments, click here to use the form See what other Kuranda Region residents say about KUR-World, scroll down. KRPG KUR-World-Have your Say Data Extract 9 May 2017 (PDF) Resident Mt Haren         08-05-17               Good Afternoon, Assuming the Coordinator General and his


MEDIA RELEASE 21ST AUGUST 2016 Kuranda Locals call for urgent remediation on KUR-World site An alliance of Kuranda-region conservation groups, residents groups and individuals has written to the Minister for State Development, Dr Anthony Lynham, asking the State Government to take immediate action to ensure the proponent of the 'Kur World' development proposal urgently fixes

Letter to Minister Lynham re KRPG Public Meeting Resolution regarding KUR-World

To the Honourable Anthony Lynham, Minister for State Development and Minister for Natural Resources and Mines cc: Queensland Premier, Federal Environment Minister, Rob Pyne MP, Craig Crawford MP, Mareeba Shire Mayor and Councillors cc: Kuranda Region Residents email lists Dear Minister I am writing on behalf of the Kuranda Region Planning Group - a recently-formed alliance of environment groups, residents

Resident email to Mareeba Shire Council regarding KUR-World dam

From: Chris Harth Sent: Wednesday, August 17, 2016 6:13 PM To:;;;;;; Cc: Subject: Kur-world dam Dear council representatives, I wish to express my disappointment that no council members were willing to attend the Kuranda Region Planning Group meeting regarding the proposed Kur-world development. I understand that it is now a coordinated project  but some first