To the Honourable Anthony Lynham, Minister for State Development and Minister for Natural Resources and Mines

cc: Queensland Premier, Federal Environment Minister, Rob Pyne MP, Craig Crawford MP, Mareeba Shire Mayor and Councillors
cc: Kuranda Region Residents email lists

Dear Minister

I am writing on behalf of the Kuranda Region Planning Group – a recently-formed alliance of environment groups, residents groups and individuals in the Kuranda region – to inform you of a resolution passed unanimously at a recent public meeting organised by the KRPG.

On August 11th, over 150 residents of Kuranda and surrounding areas attended a second public meeting called by the KRPG to discuss the ‘KUR-World’ proposal (an earlier meeting was held in July).

The mood of the meeting was resolute and the resolution is self-explanatory.

Resolution of the August 2016 Public Meeting called by the Kuranda Region Planning Group re the ‘KUR-World’ Proposal

(Approved on August 11th 2016 by a meeting of approximately 150 local residents)

This meeting has concerns that the proposed KUR-WORLD development would have negative impacts on the Kuranda region’s:

  • environment
  • economy
  • social values and quality of life
  • Indigenous heritage and cultural values

We are appalled at the lack of effective public consultation and the illegal construction of a dam and other earthworks on the site that has led to sedimentation of creeks. These creeks are known to be inhabited by critically endangered Kuranda Tree Frogs. The sedimentation will eventually wash downstream to pollute the Great Barrier Reef.

We believe this area of very high environmental sensitivity is the wrong location for such a huge development. KUR-WORLD would destroy wildlife corridors and impact negatively on many threatened species.

We call for an immediate halt to new site-works – and demand that all the environmental damage already caused by the developer is repaired urgently. This remediation works should be guided by appropriate local expertise.

We ask how a landowner can conduct such extensive and damaging works in a sensitive rainforest area without punitive action by any level of government. Penalties currently apply to local residents for illegal damage to our environment. Yet this proponent has yet to be subject to any penalties or restoration requirements.

We are disappointed that no local Councillors or politicians attended this meeting, despite prior invitations. This is the second large public meeting about Kur World in two months in Kuranda – yet the Mayor and his fellow Councillors, and local MP Crag Crawford were “unable to attend” on both occasions.

Recent comments by Mayor Gilmore and Craig Crawford appear to be based only on the developer’s PR. We are puzzled that our local politicians seem so reticent to listen to the views of local residents – especially when the developer has been in breach of Council regulations and government requirements to avoid polluting sensitive watercourses and protect the habitat of endangered species.

I wish in particular to draw your attention to the meeting’s demand for rapid government action to ensure the developer stops new works immediately and urgently remediates damage his activities has already caused to the environment. This damage includes the construction of a dam without permission, sediment controls or a failure assessment. we have written to both the Mareeba Shire Council and the relevant state department asking them to investigate this serious breach.

This damage ALSO includes clear instances of polluting the habitat of a Federally-listed endangered species – the highly localised Kuranda Tree Frog – recognised by IUCN as critically endangered. If remedial action is delayed there’s a high likelihood that crucial habitat for the Kuranda Tree Frog will be destroyed in the coming Wet Season.

The meeting also expressed the wish that the developer is punished appropriately for these disgraceful breaches of national environmental law and we have written to the Federal Minister for the Environment about this.
Looking to the future, KRPG believes the proposed KUR-World development is far too large and intensive given the exceptional environmental sensitivity of the site. We ask the State Government to indicate this reality to the developer sooner rather than later, so he is spared the disappointment of proposing unrealistic schemes that will never find community acceptance or be approved via any credible EIS process.

We look forward to your reply.

Yours sincerely

Bob Madden
For and on behalf of the Kuranda Region Planning Group

