Anzac Park, Kuranda

Did you know?

In 1990’s when the Heritage Markets was built and the adjacent carpark was developed the residual part of the council lot, ie. Anzac Park was reserved by the community for an intentional revegetation / presentation of our spectacular native Wet Tropics (WHA) tree species.

20+ years in the making, the community project remains incomplete, ie. there are no markings or interpretive signage in the park.

Finishing / creating this “Tourism Asset”
for “Kuranda Village in the Rainforest”
The Sights & Sounds of Nature 

Having “free” things for visitors to do in Kuranda is an important part of the tourism mix. “Free” and then “accessible”, as Anzac Park clearly is to the CBD, will, once finished become a tourism asset for the village.

Imagine how amazing this park will be in 50 years when these young rainforest trees start hitting their straps!

Queensland Globe: Therwine Street, Anzac Park (pink outline, approx)

Visitors come to Kuranda
to immerse themselves
in our natural
rainforest environment!

The Kuranda Paper
Issue 356
August 2023

Save Anzac Park
from Encroaching

Therwine St,
Kuranda Village
July 2023

Management Plan

Re: Anzac Park, Kuranda, AKA Rotary Park, Botanical Garden, Hidden Jewel, Green Jewel, *Feedback for Mareeba Shire Council

Council’s Timelines of Works

A. ‘Footpath Renewals’ and ‘Picnic Setting refresh’ concrete component of the project

  1. 13 May 2024, deadline for the brief to be completed by council and advertised on VendorPanel
  2. 28 May 2024, deadline for quotes to be submitted by suppliers to council
  3. 30 May 2024, Fountain is demolished
  4. Estimated 4 June 2024, deadline for council to select a supplier

* Last updated 2 June 2024

B. ‘Removal of the pond/fountain and the repositioning of the large rocks’

  1. 20 May 2024 “Waiting for Ergon to decommission the power supply at the rear of the pond”
  2. [add date], deadline for the brief to be completed by council and advertised on VendorPanel
  3. [add date], deadline for quotes to be submitted by suppliers to council
  4. [add date], deadline for council to select a supplier
  5. 30 May 2024, fountain is demolished

Community Protest Ideas So Far

1. Camp out

2. Street March

3. Underwear 😉

4. Placards