SENT: 18 JAN 2017

Dear Coordinator-General,

Kuranda Region Planning Group would like to request a meeting with you to discuss the KUR-World Integrated ‘Eco’ -Resort planned for the rural and ecologically fragile Myola valley sometime this month,  in February or March.

We would like to request two to three hours hours of your time to expand on our concerns listed below, if possible on site at Barnwell road, Myola near Kuranda.

We are a network of local groups, wildlife experts and residents working for better environmental, social and cultural outcomes from more sustainable planning for the Kuranda region (from Top of the Range in the East to Koah in the west.)

The local environmental groups comprise representatives from Kuranda EnviroCare, Kuranda Conservation and Kuranda District Residents Association. Also part of the network are Friends of the Earth (FoE) FNQ ( formerly FoE Kuranda), an environmental and social justice group that is part of Friends of the Earth International and Bulwai Cultural Heritage Lions Club.

Among the matters we would like to discuss are

  • projects qualifying for integrated assessment under the CG
  • the process and role of Coordinator -General, State departments and the local council in the approval process
  • proximity to World Heritage and unique environmental values
  • State support for upgrades of existing poor infrastructure
  • potential conflicts with FNQ Regional Plan 2009 – 2031
  • the planned updating of State mapping that may impact on proposal
  • Indigenous cultural heritage found to be present on site and at what point a survey is required
  • extending the submission time for the EIS from 6 weeks to 3 months


Sarah Isaacs for KRPG