KUR-MYTH: There is a demonstrated need for the KUR-World development in Kuranda Region

EIS: DEMONSTRATE THE NEED The next stage for KUR-World is the Environmental Impact Statement.  Our current local and state planning instruments do not support this development. See below excerpts from page 12. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT STATEMENT DRAFT TERMS OF REFERENCE (EIS ToR) - PAGE 12 Land use Objectives Development should be designed and

KUR-MYTH: There are meaningful jobs for locals

JOBS-WASH FRONT AND CENTRE OF ALL KUR-MEDIA – JOBS, JOBS, JOBS Yes.  It’s true we want our community to be prosperous and we need jobs… but this is true of every small community in Australia. One way or another - we have chosen to live in a small rural village. short

KUR-MYTH: KUR-World Master Plan Significant Design Issues Series – proposed main traffic accesses are environmentally friendly

[1] PROPOSED IN MASTER PLAN: Redevelop existing Kennedy Highway traffic lights to 5-WAY intersection cuts through Vital Fairyland Corridor Conservation Zone cuts across two Warril Creek waterways Two long time residents 10m from proposed main road on rainforest blocks [2] Kennedy Highway to Warril Drive / Punch Close major upgrade required of quiet residential streets

DEAR AUTHORITIES – Today we remember the sovereign first people’s traditional owners of this land and carers of the wildlife environment

SENT: 1 December 2016 climagecouncil.org.au, aph.gov.au, parliament.qld.gov.au, premiers.qld.gov.au, ehp.qld.gov.au, pmc.gov.au, greens.org.au, cylc.org.au, belaw.com.au, childsafety.qld.gov.au Dear Kuranda Region Planning Group, Cairns Regional Council, Members of the Australian Government and Mareeba Shire Council, Today we remember the sovereign first people’s traditional owners of this land and carers of the wildlife environment. Our region is feeling the sweltering heat