SENT: 8 December 2016

Hi Barron River Electoral Office,

Hope you are having a great week!

Hot and dry… fire in Koah… hoping for a proper wet season this year 🙂


Can I please have a copy of the source Media Release or Information Pack as received by Craig Crawford from Stuart and Mandy Ricketts, Urban Sync Pty Ltd dated pre- 12 July 2016 detailing the KUR-World proposal in regards to the Kuranda Tree Frog – as used in his media statements July 2016.

Craig Crawford’s statement was incorrect/ misleading.  The 26 October 2016 Kuranda Public Meeting follow-up process has resulted in a letter requesting correction of the public record sent to Craig Crawford (27 November 2016):


Bearing in mind Craig Crawford said at the KUR-World Public Meeting in Kuranda on 26 October 2016 (6 weeks ago) when asked by a resident to correct the public record on the Kuranda Tree Frog:


“That was the advice I was operating under.”

*Crowd calls out: where from?

“From the departments I take advice from.”

“If I am wrong with that statement then I apologise for it.  However, you did manage to segway a little piece in there where you said that somehow I gave approval for it or something like that.”

“The sentence you read out is in relation to the tree frog and the clearing – if I was wrong in that – I apologise for making that statement.”

“But that statement no way implies that I am in support of the project.”


Can you please advise your department’s SLA on follow-up for correction requests like this?

Craig was also advised by Cathy Retter, Kuranda Envirocare many months ago of the frog’s true location according to Dr Conrad Hoskin JCU survey  – August I would say – after the media pieces below – directly via email. As a matter of concern that Craig had been mis-informed and that future statements would not be ambiguous about the imminent threat to Kuranda Tree Frog habitat on the KUR-World Master Plan footprint.

The public admission of error was given by Craig Crawford at the public meeting 26 October 2016.

The letter of request date above is 27 November 2016.

How many days and which datestamp will your department use in responding?

We are hoping to avoid the Christmas / New Year slow down and have this correction made asap.

Please confirm.

Kind regards,
