OPEN ISSUE: Kuranda Benefited Area 2 – Small accommodation operators

The Kuranda Benefited Area 2.1 Special Rate levy was recently introduced in the MSC 2015/16 rates budget for the Kuranda region only. This levy represents a fee for benefiting from the Kuranda Tourism brand and marketing efforts. If you want to advertise your property with Kuranda Tourism, there is an extra fee attached. This

KUR-World: Information request to Mareeba Shire Council

Hi MSC, I am seeking the following information for clarity in a document I’m preparing for our community in relation to the KUR-World proposal here in Kuranda. On behalf of our Kuranda Region communities of people – we would like the following information to assist us in deciding how the Mareeba Shire Council is representing

KUR-World: Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) Draft Terms of Reference (ToR)

QUEENSLAND GOVERNMENT Department of State Development Our community group submissions: KURANDA ENVIROCARE Kuranda-Envirocare-Master-Comment-form-for-ToR-FINAL-2016-09-26.pdf FRIENDS OF THE EARTH FAR NORTH QUEENSLAND FoE-FNQ-ToR-web.pdf Appendix-A-Letter-to-MP-Craig-Crawford.pdf Appendix-B-KurWorld-Barnwell-casso-habitat.pdf Appendix-C-QLD-regrowth-vegetation-map-2012-with-corridors.jpg KURANDA REGION PLANNING GROUP Kuranda-Region-Planning-Group-EIS-ToR-Comment-26-September-2016-web.pdf Appendix-A-Letter-to-MP-Craig-Crawford.pdf Appendix-B-KurWorld-Barnwell-casso-habitat.pdf Appendix-C-QLD-regrowth-vegetation-map-2012-with-corridors.jpg Click to open DRAFT Terms of Reference The first submission time closed today (Monday 26 September) at

Report on an NBN staff member’s visit to Kuranda

Residents recently had an opportunity to ask questions about  NBN during a visit of Marcello Massi, NBN Community Affairs Manager - Queensland On 12 September Speewah District Resident Association hosted a meeting where Marcello was the guest speaker.  Marcello stated that three types of Broadband sources will be available in the Kuranda region. They are: Fixed Wireless.

KUR-World: No Way (or Wrong Way)

BARNWELL HISTORICALLY ZONED 626HA:  THE STORY SO FAR The beginning In the 1930s the Barnwell family began a dairy and droughtmaster (cattle) property on 620ha in Myola. Until the property sale in January 2014, there was little infrastructure or interference with the natural eco values. Infrastructure consisted of a family home, a few outbuildings and fencing. Old

Kuranda Region Town Water Overview

There are around 60 different crops grown in the Barron River catchment area.According to the Australian Pesticides and Veterinary Medicine Authority corn on its own has 1415 products registered to be used. After heavy rain events the Barron is quite easily transformed into an agricultural drain. The water test suites which include heavy metals and

Letter to Minister Lynham re KRPG Public Meeting Resolution regarding KUR-World

To the Honourable Anthony Lynham, Minister for State Development and Minister for Natural Resources and Mines cc: Queensland Premier, Federal Environment Minister, Rob Pyne MP, Craig Crawford MP, Mareeba Shire Mayor and Councillors cc: Kuranda Region Residents email lists Dear Minister I am writing on behalf of the Kuranda Region Planning Group - a recently-formed alliance of environment groups, residents