TOPIC: Would the proposed KUR-World development create jobs for Kuranda locals?

Reever and Ocean Pty Ltd, the developer behind the Kur-World project touts job growth as the biggest benefit for locals. If the project is fully delivered with 373 residential blocks, 500 student villas, golf course and resort one would assume many short-term construction jobs will flow. The scale of the project would indicate that many

TOPIC: Projected Urban Growth in Kuranda Region

The release of the Kuranda Suburban Water Security Project has posed some interesting questions for our community about the difference between our FNQ Regional Plan 2009 - 2031 and Mareeba Shire Council Planning Scheme July 2016 planning instruments - and the pressing KUR-World mega-development. On the recently published Kuranda Suburban Water Security Project web page:

MEDIA RELEASE: KUR-World: Cultural Heritage Duty of Care breaches 31 JAN 2017

DATE: 31 JAN 2017 MEDIA RELEASE TO:,,,,, KUR-World: Cultural Heritage Duty of Care breaches It is my duty as Elder and spokesperson to speak of Bulwai matters as they concern Bulwai people, lands and water. The proposed KUR-World Development site is on Bulwai tribal lands and yet no

LETTER: To MSC – Creek turbidity monitoring required by Council urgently

SENT: 30 JAN 2017 Dear Mayor, Councillors, CEO and relevant council officers, We are writing once again to bring our concerns about turbidity in the creeks originating on and flowing through the KUR-World project site on Barnwell Road, Myola. These are habitat for the Kuranda Tree Frog and we request urgent action from council to


Below represents the ONLY COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT mechanisms so far, for Kuranda Region residents, as performed by the KUR-World Development. We encourage residents to write to the Coordinator-General with your concerns that the 'EIS - Community Reference Group' - see below -  is unrepresentative of our community and our aspirations. 30 MAY 2016 EPBC


Last week the Kuranda Region Planning Group issued a media release complaining that once again Owen and Warrill Creeks are running turbid. These two watercourses flow through the large property in the Myola Valley recently acquired by developer Ken Lee. Both creeks are known habitat for the Kuranda Tree Frog - an extremely rare, endemic and critically

MEDIA RELEASE: KUR-World 12 January 2017

Kur-World Saga: more evidence of damage to crucial wildlife habitat Professional landscape photographer and Kuranda resident Steven Nowakowski is one of many locals who contribute to the work of the Friends of Kuranda Region Planning Group. His latest photos (see attached) were taken recently following the first significant downpours of this year’s wet season. They

LETTER TO EDITOR: Cairns Post regarding recent article

From: Sarah Isaacs Subject: letter to editor CP Date: 19 December 2016 To: Cairns Post Dear Editor, Your recent articles on the proposed mega resort and satellite suburb 'KUR-World'  near Kuranda had me stunned. No mention to which safety standard the dam, originally built illegally , has been remediated. Would it stand up to a cyclone