MEDIA RELEASE: In desperation, local community and conservationists turn to Palaszczuk Government to save the Kuranda Region’s threatened environment

DATE: 1 February 2018 MEDIA RELEASE TO: MEDIA LIST Local community and conservationists have written to the Minister for Local Government, alerting him to deep community concern over huge subdivision proposals in the exceptionally biodiverse Myola Valley - and warning of what appears to be a systematic developer-driven campaign to undo FNQ's regional planning framework. Two

RE: BOOM! We have a high-density subdivision (x2)…

From: Jo Sent: Tuesday, 23 January 2018 10:30 AM To: Council list Cc: Subject: BOOM! We have a high-density subdivision (x2)... From: Brian Millard Sent: Tuesday, 23 January 2018 To: Jo Cc: Council list, Subject: BOOM! We have a high-density subdivision (x2)... --- Hi Jo, Please stop making inaccurate public posts. Council’s delegations apply to reconfiguring a

PETITION: Gain back the right for our elected Councillors to represent us

Please sign this petition to support Councillors in gaining back control to represent us on Development Application decisions. PETITION TO: Mareeba Shire Councillors We, the undersigned, petition Councillors, as our elected representatives, to take back management oversight of the development application assessment and approval process by withdrawing the delegation to the CEO which was enacted

KUR-ALERT Armchair Direct Action – Petition Submission

Petition to clean up KUR-World dam failure in Owen Creek catchment before the sediment load DESTROYS MORE endangered Kuranda Tree Frog habitat.  See video of condition of creek below. Did you know the KUR-World development site has belched tonnes of clay from the failure of the dam wall - upstream of Owen Creek in Myola?


STOP KUR-WORLD FUNDRAISER, Friday 28 July 2017 welcomes Distinguished Professor Bill Laurance from JCU Centre for Tropical Environmental Sustainability Science (TESS) 6:35 Australia has a history of quite extensive land use. But particularly when we’re talking about the Wet Tropics World Heritage Area, this is an area that has been substantially protected,


DATE: 30 August 2017 LETTER: TO CHINESE AMBASSADOR CANBERRA, REGARDING KUR-WORLD PROPOSAL IN KURANDA, FNQ TO: CHINESE AMBASSADOR Dear Chinese Ambassador We write on behalf of a network of environment and residents groups in the Kuranda Region of Far North Queensland, near to Cairns. Chinese settlement is long-standing in this part of the world and we respect