MEDIA RELEASE: Kuranda Rally says NO to KUR-World!

DATE: 26 MAR 2017 MEDIA RELEASE TO: MEDIA LIST Kuranda Rally says NO to KUR-World! Today's rally against the proposed 'Kur-World' development was a resounding success, with hundreds of marchers bringing the village alive this Sunday morning. The main rally organiser, Steven Nowakowski, said today: "The large and colourful turnout shows the depth of opposition within


Petition signing every Wednesday at Foodworks 3-5pm at the KUR-World Info Table. If you would like to print the petition and help us collect signatures - please download and print the PDF version: PDF PRINTABLE: KUR-WORLD: KURANDA REGION RESIDENT PETITION

MEDIA RELEASE: KUR-World: Cultural Heritage Duty of Care breaches 31 JAN 2017

DATE: 31 JAN 2017 MEDIA RELEASE TO:,,,,, KUR-World: Cultural Heritage Duty of Care breaches It is my duty as Elder and spokesperson to speak of Bulwai matters as they concern Bulwai people, lands and water. The proposed KUR-World Development site is on Bulwai tribal lands and yet no

LETTER: To MSC – Creek turbidity monitoring required by Council urgently

SENT: 30 JAN 2017 Dear Mayor, Councillors, CEO and relevant council officers, We are writing once again to bring our concerns about turbidity in the creeks originating on and flowing through the KUR-World project site on Barnwell Road, Myola. These are habitat for the Kuranda Tree Frog and we request urgent action from council to

LETTER: Neil Boland regarding Cairns Post – January 15th issue

SENT via email: 29 JAN 2017 Dear Neil We noticed your comments in the Cairns Post on January 15th , as reported in the following extract (emphasis added): Cairns based environmental scientist Neil Boland, from NRA Environmental Approval and Compliance Solutions, has been contracted by KUR-World’s proponents to monitor water quality at the site. Mr

LETTER TO EDITOR: Cairns Post RE: pollution of creeks in the Myola Valley

PUBLISHED: 20 JAN 2017 Dear Editor, In his recent article about pollution of creeks in the Myola Valley - creeks that are critical habitat for a Federally-listed endangered species - your reporter quoted Neil Boland, the latest environmental consultant retained by developer Ken Lee. Mr Boland has apparently been carrying out water quality monitoring in

LETTER: Request for Meeting with Coordinator-General

SENT: 18 JAN 2017 Dear Coordinator-General, Kuranda Region Planning Group would like to request a meeting with you to discuss the KUR-World Integrated 'Eco' -Resort planned for the rural and ecologically fragile Myola valley sometime this month,  in February or March. We would like to request two to three hours hours of your time to


Last week the Kuranda Region Planning Group issued a media release complaining that once again Owen and Warrill Creeks are running turbid. These two watercourses flow through the large property in the Myola Valley recently acquired by developer Ken Lee. Both creeks are known habitat for the Kuranda Tree Frog - an extremely rare, endemic and critically

MEDIA RELEASE: KUR-World 12 January 2017

Kur-World Saga: more evidence of damage to crucial wildlife habitat Professional landscape photographer and Kuranda resident Steven Nowakowski is one of many locals who contribute to the work of the Friends of Kuranda Region Planning Group. His latest photos (see attached) were taken recently following the first significant downpours of this year’s wet season. They