
The KUR-World proposed project area is located centrally in the Kuranda township on 626ha – approximately a third of all residential land subdivided in Kuranda so far.  The project area straddles sensitive habitat for endangered Wet Tropics species and development will severely impact on the Kuranda Envirolink Corridor.

MAY 30 2016 Australian Government – Department of Environment:

Referral of proposed action:

2016-7710 Referral-Part1.pdf (1.52 MB) – Project title: KUR-World Integrated Eco-resort

2016-7710 Referral-Part2.pdf (3.09 MB) – ATTACHMENT E: REPORT ON FROG SURVEYS OF BARNWELL ROAD HOLDINGS, Dr Conrad Hoskin

2016-7710 Referral-Part3.pdf (2.94 MB) – ATTACHMENT F: KURANDA TREE FROM EXTENTS, Astrebla Ecological Services | ATTACHMENT G: AUSTRALIA LACELID EXTENTS, Astrebla Ecological Services | ATTACHMENT H: MAYOLA PALM RECORDS, Astrebla Ecological Services | ATTACHMENT I: CASSOWARY ESSENTIAL HABITAT, Astrebla Ecological Services | ATTACHMENT J: FLORA SURVEY REPORT, Astrebla Ecological Services | EPBC Act Protected Matters Report

2016-7710 Referral-Part4.pdf (3.25 MB) – ATTACHMENT K: WILDLIFE ONLINE SEARCH – Urban Sync Pty Ltd | ATTACHMENT L: MASTERPLAN, CA Architects Pty Ltd

2016-7710 Referral-Part5.pdf (3.07 MB) – ATTACHMENT L cont’: MASTERPLAN, CA Architects Pty Ltd

2016-7710 Referral-Part6.pdf (2.87 MB) – ATTACHMENT L cont’: MASTERPLAN, CA Architects Pty Ltd

2016-7710 Referral-Part7.pdf (3.33 MB) – ATTACHMENT M: HISTORICAL MAPPING, Astrebla Ecological Services | ATTACHMENT N: REGIONAL ECOSYSTEM MAPPING, Astrebla Ecological Services

JUN 15 2016 In response, our community has submitted as ‘comment’ on the KUR-World proposal the following:

William Brim
Bulwai Cultural Custodian
Bulwai Cultural Heritage Lions Club – Club President

EPBC Referral 2016-7710 – response from Kuranda Envirocare FINAL

Kuranda Region Planning Group
KUR World EPBC 2016-7710-Kuranda Region Planning Group

Friends of the Earth Kuranda
KUR EPBC submission FoE Kuranda

kuranda.tv Kuranda.tv-EPBC-Referral-of-Proposed-action-2016-7710-KUR-World-Barnwell-14-June-2016

Personal community member
Dear Ken Lee

JUN 29 2016 Decision on EPBC Referral of proposed action

FW: Kur.World Integrated Eco-Resort (EPBC 2016/7710) [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED]


Thank you for your submission on the  referral under the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (EPBC Act)to develop an integrated resort (Kur.World Integrated Eco-Resort) approximately 2.5 km west of Kuranda, Queensland.

The delegate has determined that the proposed action is a controlled action and, as such will require assessment before it can proceed. A copy of the decision notice is available on the Departments website- (http://epbcnotices.environment.gov.au/referralslist/). A decision on the assessment approach will be made in the near future. Please note that there will be a further opportunity for the public to provide comment on the project during the assessment phase.

Further information regarding he departments assessment process can be found at http://www.environment.gov.au/epbc/publications/factsheet-environment-assessment-process and http://www.environment.gov.au/epbc/publications/environment-assessment-process-flowchart



Terri English
Senior Assessment Officer
Queensland Major Projects Section | Environment Standards Division
Department of the Environment


8 June 2016: email to Curtis Pitt (Mulgrave@parliament.qld.gov.au)

Hi Curtis,

I am interested in obtaining a copy of your minutes from this meeting:

18 DECEMBER 2015 – Meeting with Harry Sou and Ken Lee of Reever and Ocean Pty Ltd – Portfolio discussion

As listed here in your Ministerial Diary:



29 June 2016: email to Mareeba Shire Council

RE: Operational works in Kuranda query


Can you please provide the documents for these two operational works marked on this map – below:


Thanks for your assistance.

Kind regards,


1 JULY 2016: 

Dear Jo,

The two items you have marked are not operational works for the purposes of the Mareeba Shire Planning Scheme 2004.


Brian Millard
Senior Planner


1 JULY 2016: kuranda.tv-Community-Questions-for-Urban-Sync-1-July-2016


6 July 2016: 

Hi everyone,

Please find attached the cover letter and the printable ‘understanding’ document requiring your signatures, as you are the representatives of our Kuranda Region Communities, in our government departments.

For the sake of transparency, these documents and this request, has been filed on the KUR-World website page accessible for all community members, at www.kurandaregion.org/kur-world

Thank you for your time.


28 June 2016:
Craig Crawford,
Member for Barron River,


Residents of Kuranda express concerns about the KUR-World proposal to be sited on the land identified locally as the Barnwell Property.

Find attached is an open letter seeking your assistance as our local member, and representative of the Queensland Government.

We look forward to your support in this matter, as the proposal is considered to be an ‘out of phase’ one, which would result in dire outcomes, should it be approved.

We await your response to this community request.

Bob Madden

Open letter to Craig Crawford – Bob Madden

28 June 2016:

Hi Bob,

Thank you for your email in relation to this, I have briefed Craig and we will have talks with both the proponents and the Office of State Development in arranging such a meeting.

Kind regards,

Chris Rollason
Assistant Electorate Officer – Office of Craig Crawford MP
Member for Barron River

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