FROM: Kur-World Newsletter November 2016

Community Issues
The community issues raised during the meeting on 26th October have been summarised and sent to the proponent, Reever and Ocean for consideration. They have been summarised as follows:


A. Infrastructure

a.. Is there a stop work order on the development now?
b.. Is the dam being rebuilt as per the design given to MSC on 24th August?
c.. Is there a current sediment and soil erosion plan for the site?
d.. Do all cleared areas and creek crossings have sediment control barriers in place now?
e.. Will the land be rezoned to allow the development? (from rural to rural residential and residential)
f.. Increase on population – pressure on current infrastructure
g.. Is KUR-World paying for additional infrastructure? if not, Government funds?
h.. Currently lots of blackouts, who pays for emergency infrastructure?
i.. Water supply (irrigation of golf courses and landscape areas)

Traffic management
a.. Kuranda range use, traffic volume and upgrade
b.. Access via Warril Drive
c.. Use of SkyRail/Train

Sustainability of the project
a.. Best practice/real Eco-development (Eco-toilets, solar energy)
b.. Standards that apply to Hilton not necessarily apply for Kuranda. Think Kuranda.
c.. Specify Eco-certification

B. Environment
a.. Destruction of habitat
b.. Offsetting of the environmental impacts of the dam (clearing of regrowth)
c.. Gaps to the Envirolink Wildlife Corridor

Environment continued
a.. Pesticide and fertilizers used in golf courses reaching the reef
b.. Guidelines to source plants to the area (landscaping grounds)
c.. Enhancement of the environment
d.. Noise pollutions affecting wildlife (use of helicopters)
e.. Exclusion of native wildlife from golf course (bandicoots)
f.. Control of pets
g.. Flying foxes and horses (Hendra virus)

C. Social

a.. Lack of trust in the project
b.. Number and percentage of locals currently employed for the project (locals: residents of the Kuranda Region: top of range to Koah)
c.. Name: meaning/dislike of the name (association to Disney World), not appropriate for the region
d.. Community participation throughout the development (feedback and ideas)
e.. Involvement of indigenous communities (consultation)
f.. Division of the community

If approved
a.. Percentage of jobs offered to locals and indigenous residents (which ones and payment)
b.. Increase on population, ultimately increasing unemployment
c.. Increase on rates
d.. Loss of visitors to Kuranda – no more investment
e.. Quality of life diminished
f.. Land devaluated/or more value, but need to sell to see the benefit


Green Build/Eco-Tourism Accreditation Options
One of the questions raised at the community meeting was about the proposed development intends to demonstrate the Eco-Tourism/Green Build credentials. As there are many different options, an analysis of these options is being undertaken by the project team and is a requirement of the ToR. Some of the options being considered are as follows:

a.. Green Star Accreditation by Green Building Council of Australia
b.. Sustainable Leaf Rating by Urban Development Institute of Australia
c.. Environmental Management System by International Organisation for Standardisation
d.. Eco-Certification by Eco Tourism Australia
e.. Earth Check

Some of the factors being considered are the stage of the project that can be accredited e.g. design, construction and/or operation. In addition the process of accreditation was examined to ensure that local expertise could be involved.