From: Mrs Coleman
Sent: Wednesday, October 26, 2016 3:14 PM
To: Kuranda Region Planning Group; Larissa Waters; Warren Entsch; Prof. Tim Flannery – Climate Council; Premier’s Office; Craig Crawford; Sussan Ley Minister
Subject: Re: Reminder: KUR-World Public Meeting this Wed 26 Oct 6pm with Craig Crawford MP, Nipper Brown MSC & KUR-World reps


To the Australian Government,

All local residents of Kuranda, our sacred and special village in the rainforest.

We acknowledge the Traditional Owners tribal sovereign first peoples of this country, on whose land we are today. The sovereign first people’s elders past and present.

As relative first people’s family, we are damaged from your violent practices, and your forceful and hurtful and abusive of our human civil rights in this country, we stand firm, point to the truth.

No more, Numu! No more wasting our lives and thoughts on your selfish abuse of our environment.

This world heritage is been gifted to our generation care, from ancient ceremonial practices of thousands of years belief, first peoples are the only caretakers of this country.

No more waste on the Great Barrier Reef! No more! Numu! Waste of our grandchildren’s world heritage mother earth. There is no more thinking about the murder of our world heritage.

This lies ends now.

Look at Ngunda ngunda-l, the care sovereign traditional owners have taken, in managing this country thousands of years before your poisonous abuse of intellect arrived.

This Government and council had no respect of our first peoples How can they, when we are no part of this constitution? Money is not talking any more, Numu! no more savaging our life force, our trees, djulbin da djana-ng bulngan-da, gulu, nganydji bulmba = our trees standing on the ground here, our country.

Department of Natural Resources and Mines, Research done by local indigenous people on their country is all.
On this conditioning, of applying for Reference 300009, (“proposed future action) application from department of environment & heritage protection to the ministers of environment protection, education and of spiritual wellbeing, we say NO to your proposal.

Your department must know how much you have threatened flora and fauna since your laws of advantage to wealthy developers, is the relative bench mark of our sub community awareness, and in Government just serves
to undermine where we could be, if the balance of human control in your Government was more equal, with women who naturality care, and are more attuned with the needs and demands of people in the world.

And in, light of being lost unto my family due to the use of weapons as guns in this world Victoria, we say NO is the response from families already recovering from being blown away from the gun use of this world. In society is no more evolved than since your culture arrived here. We deserve rights in this lands. Bina ngunda-l

We demand the rights being indigenous, and far more subtle caring quality, that our society is seeking freedom from this intolerable fear mongering, and this Government may not weaken the profound gun laws, which they already are, because without this level of care, then our humanity is kept in the dark ages, about the kind of multicultural peaceful and compassionate is the purpose of our being in this country.

Practicing the changes we need to be in the world in family, and community being honoured indigenous, because we are needing to say NO and hear the cry in nature.

Since it’s the underlying precedence, a shallow veiled existence. Real leadership is honour the precedent set by the forefathers in Government for our blessed former Prime Minister Mr John Howard who stood up and protected our society and worked towards real changes of elevating human awareness and care of each other .

We connected to our mother earth request, you hear the plea of the community and strengthen, the use away, from rights of playing with the most wrong weaponry toys, after this many 230 years civilisation?

This weak practice keeps our humanity down from our fullest raised vibe potentials, where harmony and rainbow quality tonics are, and the fact that people are so persuaded to need to continue this violent sport against indigenous and genders, because money and mindless maladies, is allowing the wrong freedom to perpetrators of all violence.

We demand you clean up the environmental mess, and disadvantage, through intellectual abuse of our human civil rights via your racist discrimination laws, by those with money jealous of the true Christian poor, whose inheritance is the mother earth our purest hope for a clean world heritage and healing earth for our humanity futures.

Since the falsehoods in your Government have allowed this project to attach its poison thinking onto our country, we demand your exclusive Government laws exorcise the rights to remove this toxic pattern of thought upon our sacred earth mother, in this part of Australia.

Where no–one in a Southern State has any understanding of how or if they could care less about how we first peoples feel, act and think abide in this precious world heritage.

Every tree is a soul connection to mother earth Numu! No more

Murdering our human civil rights, the trees stay and this project goes, is finish coy coy Burrungga! Is stop.

The past 10 years of our life has been so screwed up, by the lies of your Government and council, so you could entertain this gross indecency over our human civil rights No more, Numu, is the end of this most common demoralising development, of our sacred vibrational beings among the purest forms of nature.

We never surrender our rights to our country, and our beliefs to practice and care for this part of the country, the same as Traditional Owners who would never allow this development to have become physically manifest.

Only the savage penalties of Government, have spent so many years murdering our business and rights to live here, so they could bring this project of savage waste damage and injury of our human health, into being.

Numu! Gaieu! Burrungga! Stop making us waste our lives in your greedy damage control of our world heritage.
Back off, go away, this is not for your entertainment, this world heritage is for our future life on earth and our human health now.

We want to see Gudju Gudju in our Great Barrier Reef, we need to see Buda Dji journeying from the Great Barrier Reef to the mountains with parts of the Gudju Gudju in the Miya Miya shells for all the dreams that we value. Your Government is fast tracking the murder of our dreaming, and our world heritage.

You have no rights to keep murdering our sovereign first peoples, every tree you take must be put back, replanted, immediately!

There is no more demoralising our sacred thinking with the most putrid named Kur world. This poisonous thinking stops now.

How dare any of your levels of Government ever have entertained this cheap and nasty sell out of our country?

No level of this development is ecological, in our world heritage. Environmental impacts are severe and must stop Burrungga now. We family here, are saying GAIEU NO! NUMU NO MORE!

While your Government levels, have enjoyed this sport with our lives over the past years.

Our family say No! To your arrogance, and ignorance of our human civil rights to defend our world heritage, from another culture which has no interest in residing in this country. Only manipulation of their overview before sovereign first peoples human civil rights.

No care for the dreaming of this sacred ancient land bulmba, and no respect to honour the sacred first peoples
At some point your Christian Government needs to decide to protect the poor in these parts, the poor are Traditional Owners families of caretakers, have minded this mother earth thousands of generations. So what in hell is your Government doing?
We have already paying the price for speaking out against this putrid environmental catastrophe. With the new extra power lines and transformer now at our home. We demand you remove this.

We demand you repeal the putrid sewerage line from the Barron River in Kowrowa, going past the school, and all the disgusting air vents your weak Mareeba Shire Council, has added, to remove the toxic spread of bacteria which seep into the ground and into the air, as the rains of wet season arrive.

We demand the rights to be consulted on a true democracy, any one of our residents would say no to your rude proposal of this proportion? But the threat of being bullied the way you have treated us, for speaking out against this extreme perversion of our civil social rights, is keeping us all quiet now.

Christian Governments now show compassion for the majority of poor people in this part of the country, never agree with your murder of our environment.

We live here because we belong, and this bulmba belongs to our rights, responsibilities and obligations, to protect our world heritage for our lifetimes upon this our mother earth.

Any further thinking along these abusive lines, assaulting our sensitivity for our world heritage environment is cheap murder , violating human conscious awareness degrading all human health,Nganydji Nyiwul bulmba wu, we are one within our country.

How dare any Christian Government ever think any less than the honour and respect of all sovereign first peoples, traditional owners of the country here bulmba gulu?


End rape!, end murder of our mother earth and her rights to protect and nurture all the first peoples and traditional owners, of the brothers and sisters of Nations of Tribes, in this region , of Far North Queensland.

We realise that speaking out once more is a risk, however we have nothing to lose, as we have nothing, and are here as one with our mother nature, carrying her rhythms in art songs language and dance movements.

Since your newly opened community Hub in Cairns managed by Gwion Cain who arranged an appointment with us today, then cancelled it yesterday because his board of directors (same respondents in QCAT civil matter, unanswered) told him they can never work with us? Where does the discrimination end? Why is our family oppressed from our work when no-one aboriginal person in our community is teaching indigenous language in this village? Now we have 3 languages of my husband’s relatives to work with, and where is the support? We want to work in our business

We appeal to your most high Christian values in this apparent civilised world, and ask your Government to consider the rights and responsibilities of Traditional Owners to carry on with their caretaking work.

While Government learns to balance the rights and responsibilities of all its departments, and in so doing we demand the rights to a new Mareeba Shire Council, by dissolving what is clearly racist discriminating and replacing with Aboriginal Shire Council for this region restoring the sacred caretaking practices of our mother earth to the Nations of Tribes of this region.
Consider the environment, all violent abuse affects our thinking and feeling, either directed at humans or at their sacred bulmba.

Government needs to change this way of treating our humanity.

With Regards
Mr Ashley Dal Karra Galnga Coleman our family &
Mrs Ann Maree Sloan Coleman
ABN: 39445509353