SENT via email 30 JAN 2017
To Whom It May Concern,
In reference to KUR-World promotional video – link below – I Leah Kelly (pictured left, below) did not give my permission for such footage to be used in the promotion of your development, of which I strongly oppose.
I was humiliated and embarrassed when I discovered my images used to the benefit and promotion of your development.
The purpose of this footage was for the promotion of the Kuranda Original Market which I have personally based my income from for the past 20 years. The Kuranda Original Market always stood for the promotion of our unique low-impact artisan’s lifestyle to sell our handicrafts and produce – not for the purpose of an out-of-step gross mega development.
Out of respect for my reputation, business and personal relationships I ask that the video footage of me be removed before I seek legal advice.
Kind regards,
Leah Kelly

From: <>
Date: 30 Jan 2017 2:09 pm
Subject: RE: KUR-World Promotional Video
To: “Leah Kelly”
Dear Leah,
The second page of the document initially didn’t appear. I have now seen this and can identify the video in question. We are contacting the production team to identify where it is listed and seek to have it removed.
Sincere regards,
The KUR-World Team