2 OCT 2016: Facebook post from Billy Ericson claiming alleged assault on “At kur cow in the drive way about 2 weeks ago” by two vehicles with “activists” running down a co-worker. Billy Ericson was advised by community members to report the serious incident to the Kuranda Police. On 6 OCT, Kuranda Police advised a community member the incident had not been reported to police. Click to enlarge image.
18 NOV 2016: Today I had someone create a fake profile pretending to be me and sending out multiple friend requests Thankfully my friends are smart and kind and let me know straight away.
Now here’s the weird bit – the fake account used a profile pic I have never used (and weren’t they lucky I looked so sh*t in it, they really hit the jackpot because it was taken at my mother’s funeral a year ago). Great timing too.
And this fake profile posted one status – saying I was having second thoughts about Kur-World and all the benefits it might bring.
I reported the fake account and Facebook took it down quickly.
Classy act Kur-World. Not.
19 NOV 2016: Email sent to info@kur-world.com, cc: info@kurandaregion.org, info@msc.gov.qld.au
Hello KUR-World Team.
Please be advised there are individuals acting on behalf of KUR-World who are performing illegal behaviours in our community. Is this how the KUR-World Team wants to represent themselves?
Our concerned community groups and individuals in opposition to the KUR-World proposal are ENTITLED TO OBJECT in a meaningful way. Our Kuranda Region people-communities have a ‘social license’ to refuse outrageous developments posed by ‘investors’ or ‘land speculators’ buying very cheap rural land, then imposing their out-of-step ideas for our region, this place we call home.
Ken Lee purchased the wrong land for his development. Simple.
We would appreciate if you would advise your team, and those seeking to represent your KUR-Views, to play nicely. As I explained to the Constable at Kuranda Police yesterday (after calling MSC to find out if they were removing them), discussing the removal and theft of the banners on Black Mountain Rd., we would prefer our opposition be more creative with their campaign – rather than breaking the law with under-handed tactics. Make your own signs about how good KUR-World will be for our region. Put your KUR-Sell in our Kuranda Paper. How is it that your Community Reference Group isn’t even advertised in our local paper?
[see page right]
Good campaigns take time, energy and money – all of which our community have been putting up now for over 6 months to help raise awareness in our community about the impending proposal – BEFORE ALL THE PAPERWORK IS COMPLETED in favour of Ken Lee, Reever and Ocean (Developments) Pty Ltd. We understand the paper-trail is pushing on regardless – and that our due and proper ‘community consultation’ process will not eventuate under this scheme. The KUR-World Community Reference Group is a ‘fixed game’ where KUR-World gets to choose the 6 people who will represent our whole community’s views.
Kuranda Region residents deserve a ‘right of reply’. We are thousands of people who have invested our own hard-earned cash – to ‘invest’ in our family’s futures here in this place, Kuranda.
The Queensland State Government and the Mareeba Shire Council are obliged, as our ‘representatives’, to respect our views too. Ahem – this is supposed to be a democracy, right?
KUR-World Team – do your own PRO campaign please – don’t knock our efforts to properly inform our local community about what is taking place on the BARNWELL property behind the forest-walls. Please explain to our community the upsides of this mega-development. If this truly is a great thing for our region – Ken Lee would want to share it with us – to get his newly-adopted community on-side?
Thank you for your time and consideration on this matter. There are no “radicals” in our campaign to inform and empower our local people-communities. This is not some greenie-protest-thing. We only ever act in a co-ordinated way and under-handed tactics are not our choice thanks very much. We want proper planning for our region – not this KUR-Plonk.
Kind regards,