KRPG Participatory Contingent


The Participatory Contingent is a peer group of community members who have the skills and desire to participate in dialogue with our local council, Mareeba Shire Council, regarding community projects, infrastructure, conservation, policies and legislation, etc.  The sub group will be communicated with via Facebook and email and will be a contributing part of each of our campaigns.

For each KRPG campaign:

  1. We put a concise outline of the community issue via links to documents, slideshows and videos to the group.
  2. We ask the participants to read and absorb the information presented to them and provide feedback to KRPG – we hope this will only take 15 minutes :- )
  3. We collate the feedback and present it back to the peer group for their approval and any further suggestions for reconsideration.
  4. Finalise the feedback and include as part of the activity campaign material for council.



The Participatory Contingent is made up of people in our community who are accessible to other community members via groups and organisations, workplaces, friendships, families, etc.  We ask these peers, when assessing the campaign material to canvas their own peer groups for simple opinions about the more complex council matters we are asking them to assess.  We ask this group to “interpret” the information – that will affect the whole community – into bite size chunks of conversation that we’re all participating in anyway!  As the assessable material is available online this group will be able to direct any other interested community members to visit the site and get involved in the particular campaign of interest.



For each “campaign” our group has – the following material will need to be produced:

  1. Documentation page of all letters, emails, etc to and from around this campaign in date order published on the KRPG website. Any video we produce is also put here.
  2. A video outlining the main points of the documentation addressed to our community members so they can absorb the information and fact check more easily.
  3. An image that encapsulates the campaign idea and is a visual cue for engagement with our community – can be used for Kuranda Paper print and online.