SENT: 1 December 2016,,,,,,,,,
Dear Kuranda Region Planning Group,
Cairns Regional Council, Members of the Australian Government and Mareeba Shire Council,
Today we remember the sovereign first people’s traditional owners of this land and carers of the wildlife environment.
Our region is feeling the sweltering heat stress from your thoughtless projects of overdeveloping our landscape. What in God’s name is this for?
You ripped out all those trees on Black mountain now put them back. !!!!!! Give indigenous people the rights to work on whatever you created in Smithfield, is way beyond all the locals.
How you dare do this to the traditional peoples, just move in and make something by ripping into our landscape, and the run off to the Great Barrier Reef now more than ever.
How dare your Government approve this obscene waste of entertaining space, in this unconscious uncaring disrespectful and dishonouring sovereign rights of our first people’s caretaking perspectives, over this blundering developing ideas of wealthy people without and regard.
Your arrogant money rampage is in need of the reality cheque that Aboriginal dreaming lives in this peninsula.
Stop murdering our civil rights to be consulted and respected for our perspectives. That square blunder in Smithfield needed to be round amphitheatre, and I feel your damage is corrosive to our dreaming rights and our Great Barrier Reef. Where are the birds now and the trees which should be in that space, not cement.
Designing this game and advertising that everyone buy into the lease? How dare you play with our environmental values this way? Suppose the so called business is already floating in the cyber markets and making money for you all, while you create nightmares in our dreaming landscape.
Enough with the savage insatiable overdeveloping. How about just being like Aboriginal people. Being on the land and honouring the simple balance? Turn your savage civil rights blunders around.
This region is unable to sustain the damage of all your plans. Stop.
Your square cement structure in Smithfield shopping Centre is the most invasion of our civil rights, to not be consulted through the communications with traditional owner families.
The environment needs a smaller round amphitheatre, not a square cement structure.
The round amphitheatre of natural fibres employing indigenous local traditional owners is the most needed in our environment.
Because traditional owners are the life force, in rhythmical natural performing arts and entertainment, but you are making this external building as if it’s going to be the most way of being entertained in this environment, which is removing the rights of Sovereign first peoples to express their humble relations in the bush natural landscape, you are choking murdering our civil rights. Stop Burrungga now, we see savage insatiable desires rampant.
You have taken advantage , just like the Kur world project, the Emerald wind farm project, the widening of the bridge in Redlynch, and shoving a transformer extra wires and poles in front of our home.
As resident relative traditional owners family, we ask who Aboriginal community did you consult over this disgraceful development in Smithfield and in Kuranda? All the extra wires and towers and road works because it feels dam sure that you are hell bent on poisoning this peninsula for the rest of our lives.
We request of your Government to make amends for all this mess , and begin to include traditional owners in your constitutional perceptions, as this mess would never arrived at this place if you had enough care for Christian practices to look after the poor in our country because they carry the dreaming, in their heart land.
Now you have raped and pillaged and plundered our Smithfield village, and our environment today looks like you are wasting all our lives!, in your savage and brutal control of our resources for sale in your money market of cyber digital.
A place where we have no desires, yet you have bought and sold our lives over and over, and ruining our children great grandchildren’s and great grandparents world heritage and shoving it in, our face that these other cultures are allowed to rip up our dreaming heritage and plonk their mess wherever . Or are you resentful we have someone employed in our family?
Is that why you need to ruin all the landscape where in country our family is honestly trying to work and earn a living? But all that went up the creek in your Government Justice Department, and how may we work now when you are busying your selves to keep us on Centrelink?
Speaking up for our country and our human civil rights, how much are we paying for your racist control measures all these generations?
There is no respect no compassion no room for where are the Traditional carers of this world heritage? That you just go around ignoring mindlessly and push ahead with your raping overdeveloping.
We need new Governance awareness, back off and grow respect.
Shame on all your unconscious pretence control features desires.
We have the right to comment on your overwhelming confusions in our land.
Plant trees and replenish our landscape with natural flora and fauna, do it now for God Bulurru sake. What in God’s Bulurru name are you doing to our families now? Turn this mess around
You Christian intelligence are meant to be supporting the poor first traditional owners, to be returning to their homelands and living back in their country but all your interest is in the desires of supporting every other culture, in this landscape bulmba, to rape our mother earth in this way, and leaving the first peoples homeless and floundering because we are all hurting for your arrogant damage numb rape of our landscape and bulmba. Burrungga stop, No more, Numu
No mining, no gas, no quarries, no tree clearing. Turn this around for our Peninsula is the most sacred unique landscape with dreaming stories from our creator God Bulurru. Reduce farming sizes and heavy machinery, fix the Railway in the Tablelands, and farm Hemp and Sandalwood and Tobacco. Plant all native food species and replenish Black mountain Road to Mona Mona, let the first peoples work and live in their homelands, the way they were forced to 100 years before, but this time for their own rights to be carers. For their own healing wellbeing.
What hope in hell have we? When all your interest lies in other cultures, before the constitutional remedial practices of Traditional Owners of this lands inclusion in this world. We regard our Traditional Owners first and foremost.
In reply to your future act notification, there is no beginning this project application number 446529, and 377420 Department of Environment and Heritage Protection. We say know No! To your 5 years of scientific research in our country.
We will only allow our own rangers sovereign first peoples of this country, the rights to research data and teach us the honour and respect of our country, before you we never approve you proposal in honour of Traditional Sovereign first people’s owners of the dreaming and creations stories and caretakers of this ancient mother earth landscape.
In amongst all this façade of your cultural invasion, we shall hold onto our rights civil dreaming and spirit of place, where we all belong together as one humanity wellbeing, before in light of your greed, madness and desires.
Lord God Bulurru Hear our prayers amen
Mr Ashley Dal Karra Galga Coleman, our family
Mrs Ann Maree Sloan Coleman
Kuranda 4881