Name: kuranda.tv
Type: community media channel
Platforms: Youtube (primary), Facebook, Website
Stage: created January 2015, 660+ short videos, 217k+ views
All community contributors with video content are welcome to publish to the Youtube channel, in any playlists. Please contact us through the facebook page. You can choose to publish under your own name or use the kuranda.tv platform to create a regular program.
Create videos with local community content like project updates, school activities, arts, local news, local food producers, skill sharing, newsworthy events or issues, festivals, gigs, nature, opinion pieces, interviews, gardening, book reviews, ingenuity and inventions, the list is endless!
* Cadet journalists are welcome to contribute content! Ask your media arts teacher for more info.

Name: Destination Kuranda
Type: community marketing channel
Platforms: Instagram (primary), Facebook
Stage: created March 2021, getting photo stream ready for post-covid
After launch: invite Kuranda Region visitors to share their favourite holiday photos with the platforms
All community contributors with photo / image content are welcome to publish to the channel. We are focusing on content delivering these key concepts:
- Nature-based tourism – including short walks, day loops, lookouts, giant trees, wildlife, Barron Falls, Barron River, etc, with and without people please.
- Local Bama culture – including performers, artists, artefact makers, Indigenous-led tours
- Accommodation – encouraging all BnB accommodation to contribute photos to develop ‘Short Stay’ market
- Markets and Retailers – regularly contribute a shop front / product photo
- Major Attractions – encouraged to contribute regular photos / images
- Local events – including our annual festivals, art exhibitions, etc
- Wildlife – Kuranda Region has a huge biodiversity of critters, all photos welcome
If you would like credit on your photos please add as a watermark. Alternatively you can add your name and details to the photo file name or photo tags.