Position Vacant: Community Facebooker

Duties will include the set up of a Facebook Group / Page to support this website and issue releases provided by email by various members to relevant FB Groups / Pages including council. For the right candidate - don't expect that it will take up too much of your time. We really need these skills

  • Friends of Kuranda region

Meeting – Tuesday 8th December

  Yes folks - it's Christmastime - but we do need to meet. There are lots of things to talk about - this really IS a crucial and exciting opportunity (as well as a potential threat!) that the Kuranda community should consider. Please come along to a meeting on December 8th at the Recreation Centre, Fallon

Contributions Invited

APPEAL FOR PHOTOS AND VIDS We are including a photos and videos section in this website to help showcase the Kuranda environment and community. We're looking for more photographs from community contributors to include in the PHOTOGRAPHS and VIDEO galleries. We are particularly interested in photos and videos of our

Friends of Kuranda Region: a community-based planning group is born

On November 10th 2015 a public meeting about planning issues was held in Kuranda. The meeting was in two parts; in the first half, members of the public questioned Concil representatives about the Mareeba Shire's latest draft plan and explained what we see as its deficiencies. After a break meeting for refreshments, Councillors and Council staff