Koah aircraft facility update July 2018

The development application was approved in the MSC meeting 21 March 2018 to increase flights from 52 a year to 365 a year. Three Councillors voted against and four in favour of it, but not before Cr Angela Toppin put in an amendment, to change the maximum number of flights from six  to one flight

Peaceful tranquillity of Koah could be destroyed forever

Update 24 May 2018 The development application was approved in the MSC meeting 21 March 2018. Three Councillors voted against and four in favor of it, but not before Cr Angela Toppin put in an amendment, to change the maximum number of flights from 6 to 1 a day.  Thank you Cr Nipper

Arsenic in Koah bores: Dialog between MSC and KRPG

Council needs to inform residents that supposedly potable water may not be safe and consider compensation. cc Councillors, CEO, Mayor and Carl Ewan Dear Brian Thank you for your reply. As residents health and safety is at stake Council should inform residents who were promised potable water that they might not have any unless their

Koah – more unsustainable development allowed by council – 11 November 2016

Council facilitates environmental destruction again and neglects duty of care. In the Council meeting on 21 September 2016 Councillor Nipper Brown, Mary Graham and Kevin Davies voted to extend an out of date, expired development approval REC/07/0091 for the fourth time (thank you to Councillor Lenore Wyatt and Angela Toppin for voting against it). The development

Koah residents might be getting poisoned with arsenic – 4 November 2016

Council approved rural residential subdivisions in Koah which were subject to potable water have above safe Australian Drinking Water Guideline levels of Arsenic in bore water. A community project tested bores for heavy metals using ALS laboratories the same reputable lab Mareeba Shire Council uses. There seems to be a widespread presence of Arsenic in

Kuranda Region Town Water Overview

There are around 60 different crops grown in the Barron River catchment area.According to the Australian Pesticides and Veterinary Medicine Authority corn on its own has 1415 products registered to be used. After heavy rain events the Barron is quite easily transformed into an agricultural drain. The water test suites which include heavy metals and