About Jo Martin

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So far Jo Martin has created 291 blog entries.

OPEN ISSUE – Speed humps on Black Mountain Rd

We need your help. Black Mountain Road, Kuranda desperately needs speed humps. Speeding road users include large fully loaded logging trucks, council vehicles  and a few neighbours. Speeding is not appropriate in a residential area. Residential roads must be safe for all users - including residents, workers and wildlife. Citizen safety

EMAIL: RE: Request for document Regional Service Reservoir Study 2014

Sent: Friday, March 10, 2017 To: Mareeba Shire Council Hi, Can you please send me a copy of the ‘Regional Service Reservoir Study 2014’. I can’t find it on your website. Thanks very much. Kind regards, jo Sent: Thursday, March 23, 2017 To: Mareeba Shire Council Hi, Can I please follow up on this study. I

MEDIA RELEASE: Kuranda Rally says NO to KUR-World!

DATE: 26 MAR 2017 MEDIA RELEASE TO: MEDIA LIST Kuranda Rally says NO to KUR-World! Today's rally against the proposed 'Kur-World' development was a resounding success, with hundreds of marchers bringing the village alive this Sunday morning. The main rally organiser, Steven Nowakowski, said today: "The large and colourful turnout shows the depth of opposition within


KRPG Meeting with State Coordinator General’s Office On Thursday 9 March at 10am, our KRPG cohort of 7 met with the State Office for 2 hours.  We were very grateful to be given the opportunity to present our community story at this level of government – and thank Michele Bauer (Assistant Coordinator-General), Karen Oakley

TOPIC: Local Government Act 2009 – Provisions for Community Representation

EXCERPTS: QLD Local Government Act 2009 4 Local government principles underpin this Act (2) The local government principles are— (a) transparent and effective processes, and decision-making in the public interest; and (b) sustainable development and management of assets and infrastructure, and delivery of effective services; and (c) democratic representation, social inclusion and meaningful community

EMAIL: to Geraldine McGuire (KUR-World) regarding ‘Eco’ Accreditation in Australia 10 MAR 2017

SENT: 10 March 2017 TO: Geraldine McGuire - KUR-World CC: kur-world@coordinatorgeneral.qld.gov.au; Karen.Oakley@coordinatorgeneral.qld.gov.au; info@kurandaregion.org   Hi Geraldine I have a couple of questions regarding misleading and false advertising on the KUR-World website Today the site of the future KUR-World Integrated Resort is home to KUR-Cow, a cattle grazing and organic farm venture. What do you mean by organic

EMAIL: to Ecotourism Australia regarding ‘Eco’ Accreditation in Australia 7 MAR 2017

SENT: 7 March 2017 Enquiry Type: General enquiry Your Enquiry Hi, Can you please confirm the conditions for ecotourism accreditation? I am looking at this page: http://www.ecotourism.org.au/our-certification-programs/eco-certification/ 1. Can a new development claim 'eco-resort' status in their marketing material before obtaining any accreditation? 2. Are there methods - other than from Ecotourism Australia - that a