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Kuranda Region Local Resilience

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DATE: 6 AUGUST 2017 TO: The Right Honourable Annastacia Palaszczuk MP, Premier of Queensland CC: Mareeba Shire Council, Cairns Post, Kuranda Region Planning Group   On Tuesday July 11th at the 'Town Hall' meeting held in Cairns, I asked our premier about the Kur-World development in the Myola Valley of Kuranda.  This development, which will double the population


EVENT: STOP KUR-WORLD FUNDRAISER, Friday 28 July 2017 - Kuranda Amphitheatre Understage - MC resident Cheryl Tonkin - Videos, in order of appearance: Steven Nowakowski, Professor Bill Laurance, Dr Cameron Murray, Denis Walls STOP KUR-WORLD FUNDRAISER, Friday 28 July 2017 welcomes resident Steven Nowakowski with imagery showing the earthworks (including dam),

QUESTION TO PREMIER: will the State Government respect the current FNQ Regional Plan, developed with residents. If so, you must reject this inappropriate development proposal. If not, why do we bother???

DATE: 11 JULY 2017 TO: The Right Honourable Annastacia Palaszczuk MP, Premier of Queensland, On 11 July 2017 at the Community Forum (Brother’s Leagues Club, Anderson St.) local resident Keila put this question to the premier Annastacia Palaszczuk (awaiting reply): I live in Kuranda, a destination for many visitors to this region because of its rainforest

LETTER TO MSC: Reply to Peter Franks (MSC CEO) after 19 July 2017 Council Meeting concerns tabled by community groups and residents

DATE: 20 JULY 2017 TO: info@msc.qld.gov.au CC: AlanP@msc.qld.gov.au, NipperB@msc.qld.gov.au>, KevinD@msc.qld.gov.au, MaryG@msc.qld.gov.au, AngelaT@msc.qld.gov.au, LenoreW@msc.qld.gov.au, TomG@msc.qld.gov.au, Peter@msc.qld.gov.au, brianm@msc.qld.gov.au, carle@msc.qld.gov.au, environment@ministerial.qld.gov.au, sdnrm@ministerial.qld.gov.au, Greg.Hunt.MP@aph.gov.au, barron.river@parliament.qld.gov.au, thepremier@premiers.qld.gov.au, Larissa.ferguson@coordinatorgeneral.qld.gov.au, Michele.Bauer@coordinatorgeneral.qld.gov.au, Karen.Oakley@coordinatorgeneral.qld.gov.au, Steven.Tarte@coordinatorgeneral.qld.gov.au, Kuranda Region Planning Group - filing   Dear Peter Franks, Thank you for your short reply (19 July 2017 via email - see reference below) to the original letter dated 18

LETTER TO MSC: RE: TO BE TABLED at Mareeba Shire Council Meeting 19 July 2017 in reference to the pending decisions on ITEM-5, ITEM-7, ITEM-8

DATE: 18 JULY 2017 TO: info@msc.qld.gov.au CC: AlanP@msc.qld.gov.au, NipperB@msc.qld.gov.au>, KevinD@msc.qld.gov.au, MaryG@msc.qld.gov.au, AngelaT@msc.qld.gov.au, LenoreW@msc.qld.gov.au, TomG@msc.qld.gov.au, Peter@msc.qld.gov.au, brianm@msc.qld.gov.au, carle@msc.qld.gov.au, environment@ministerial.qld.gov.au, sdnrm@ministerial.qld.gov.au, Greg.Hunt.MP@aph.gov.au, barron.river@parliament.qld.gov.au, thepremier@premiers.qld.gov.au, Larissa.ferguson@coordinatorgeneral.qld.gov.au, Michele.Bauer@coordinatorgeneral.qld.gov.au, Karen.Oakley@coordinatorgeneral.qld.gov.au, Steven.Tarte@coordinatorgeneral.qld.gov.au, Kuranda Region Planning Group - filing   This is a current commentary of the state of ad-hoc planning thus far for the Kur-World development:- Until the end of June

LETTER TO MSC: FW: LETTER TO MSC: to be tabled for the Mareeba Shire Council Meeting 19 July 2017, pending decisions on ITEM-5, ITEM-7, ITEM-8 of the meeting agenda.

DATE: 19 JULY 2017 TO: info@msc.qld.gov.au; cairns@parliament.qld.gov.au; connect@augustinians.org.au; info@kurandaregion.org; The Premier; indigenousadvisorycouncil@pmc.gov.au; senator.brandis@aph.gov.au; environment@ministerial.qld.gov.au CC: Kuranda Region Planning Group - filing Dear authorities , good afternoon, We support  our small unique  village,Kuranda as residents we do not need , nor do we want, any of your proposal overly exposed developments. No Kur world in our

LETTER TO MSC: attn all councillors before council meeting tomorrow

DATE: 18 JULY 2017 TO: info@msc.qld.gov.au; Cr. Angela Toppin <AngelaT@msc.qld.gov.au>; Cllr Lenore Wyatt <LenoreW@msc.qld.gov.au>; Cr. Alan Pedersen <AlanP@msc.qld.gov.au>; Cr. Nipper Brown <NipperB@msc.qld.gov.au>; Cr. Mary Graham <MaryG@msc.qld.gov.au>; Cr. Tom Gilmore <mayor@msc.qld.gov.au>; Cr. Kevin Davies <KevinD@msc.qld.gov.au> CC: Peter Franks <Peter@msc.qld.gov.au>; Kuranda Region Planning Group - filing   Dear Council and cced CEO, I write as an individual