Friends of Kuranda is working closely with as many people as possible to increase our understanding of these complex planning issues and seek better conservation outcomes.
Terrain NRM is one organisation we’ve contacted that has been very constructive in its response.
Gary Searle, Natural Resources Management Strategy and Knowledge Team Leader at Terrain NRM, has prepared a comparison between the 2012 Tablelands Regional Council draft plan (the last document which has been subject to community consultation) and the current 2015 Mareeba Shire Council Draft Plan (which has not).
It confirms our view that overall, adoption of the latest (MSC 2015) draft of the plan would be a retrograde move for conservation and protection of biodiversity – not the positive step forward we believe most of the community wants and deserves.
Terrain NRM is offering Mareeba Shire Council extra help with improving the plan which we believe should be welcomed with open arms. After all, Council representatives have complained of a lack of resources when explaining Council’s unwillingness to do additional mapping and consultation work. Clearly there are organisations and individuals willing to help Council on this who simply need to be invited to do so.
Referring to the difference between the two draft plans, Terrain’s critique concludes (emphasis added):
“The implications of these changes are quite significant, with the exception of High Environmental Significance wetlands and waterways where the changes are fairly minor and even include improvements. The implications of the greatly reduced overlay mapping to trigger assessment is a serious concern in and of itself. Added to that is the lack of consideration of connectivity for code assessable development and the lack of clarity around what the likely requirements might be for revegetation/rehabilitation in appropriate circumstances. Overall, the 2012 TRC draft provides greater protection and consideration of the environment and biodiversity of the Mareeba Shire.”
The whole document by Terrain – “Mareeba Shire Draft Planning Scheme Environmental and Biodiversity Provisions” – can be read HERE, along with the cover letter from Gary Searle to Friends of Kuranda is HERE.
The significance of Terrain’s critique and generous offer of assistance will be a matter emphasised by the delegation from Friends of Kuranda region Planning Group when we meet with Mareeba Shire Council on January 20th.