From: Sarah Isaacs
Subject: sedimentation risk from ripping & previous error in email Barnwell Rd / KUR-World EPBC Ref: 2016/7710 -KUR WORLD dam and land clearing
Date: 19 December 2016

Dear Compliance and Terri,

As the Wet season approaches, we are concerned that more sedimentation events will occur on the Barnwell Rd property and cause yet more damage to the Kuranda tree frog. So we ask you to do an on-ground investigation of the following as soon as possible.

Though we believe the clearing of trees has stopped, there are reports that ripping of the cleared land has been taking place, potentially exposing large amounts of soil that can be washed into the creeks

While we believe that sedimentation traps have been placed downstream of the dam, no actions, to our knowledge , have been taken to prevent sediment flowing from the ripped, cleared areas to the creeks.

Please can you investigate asap before the Wet season begins in earnest- we have already had the beginning of storms.

Please also note an error in some previous correspondence sent to you by me on behalf of  Friends of the Earth FNQ

From: Sarah Isaacs
Sent: Thursday, 4 August 2016 7:14 PM
To: Compliance; English, Terri-Ann
Subject: Barnwell Rd / KUR-World EPBC Ref: 2016/7710 -KUR WORLD dam and land clearing
The construction of this dam has already impacted on the headwaters of 2 of the 5 creeks that are habitat to the endangered Kuranda Tree Frog.’  Apologies this is an inaccurate statement on several counts not least because, according to Conrad Hoskin’s report ( the frog scientist whose report has been sent in to you and which I attach for your convenience- see page 2),’The Kuranda Tree Frog is restricted to about 10 breeding streams that enter the Barron River between Kuranda and Kowrowa.’


Sarah Isaacs

ATTACHMENT: conrad-hoskins-report