DATE: 19 JULY 2017

TO:; Cr. Alan Pedersen <>; Cr. Nipper Brown <>; Cr. Kevin Davies <>; Cr. Mary Graham <>; Cr. Angela Toppin <>; Cr. Lenore Wyatt <>;

CC: Peter Franks <>; Brian Millard <>;;; State Development & Natural Resources and Mines <>; Barron River Electorate Office <>;;;


Good morning,

I understand that no community members will be allowed to address the  meeting today, relating to Items 5, 7 or 8.

Therefore please see attached letter [below] which I request be tabled at the Mareeba Shire Council meeting today, 19 July 2017, relating to items 5, 7 and 8.

These are all “last minute” applications under the Superseded Planning scheme 2004.

Kind regards

Cathy Retter
Kuranda Envirocare

———- ATTACHMENT ————

19 July 2017

Dear Mayor and Councillors

We are astounded at tomorrows agenda.

There are two applications for reconfiguration of lots to be considered under the 2004 plan.

These are high density rural residential developments in an environmentally fragile area (Myola Valley, Kuranda) that are no longer deemed appropriate according to the MSC 2016 plan, the FNQ2031 plan and the State Planning mapping (Matters of Environmental significance).

There have been numerous Cassowary sightings reported to conservation groups across the Myola area over the past 20 years, which indicates it is Cassowary habitat. This area was so designated by the Wet Tropics Management Authority under the Envirolink Wildlife corridor in the 1990’s.

The community is under the impression that the Myola precinct plan, which is supposed to validate those applications, had been discarded years ago. The community fought against the development plan for these precincts in 2007/2008 and they were rejected under the FNQ2031 Regional plan. Rezoning under the 2011 amendment altered most of the Myola valley to rural to align with the FNQ2031 plan. It is difficult to understand how the Myola precincts can now be used to justify these requests to accept DA’s under the 2004 planning scheme unless they contain requests for rezoning.

Rural residential subdivisions in an ecologically fragile area which is zoned rural under the MSC 2016 plan, was zoned rural under the draft TRC 2012 and was assumed to be zoned rural under the FNQ2031 plan is far beyond the demonstrated desire of the community.

Please can you vote for the environment tomorrow and request a deferral of Items 7 and 8,  applications under the 2004 MSC plan, while more information is sought regarding the likely of a DA of this nature being successful under the 2004 plan and a robust estimate of the benefit being foregone by the proponent in not being able to apply under the 2004 scheme. 

Item 5 which requests vegetation clearing in Mason Road appears able to be performed now under the Vegetation Management Act now, and into the future,  via the application for a PMAV over the regrowth, without reference to council as per reeves and Oceans action at 112 Barnwell Road..

There have been Cassowary sightings reported to conservation groups across the Mason road area, which makes it safe to say it is Cassowary habitat. This property also adjoins Kuranda State Forest and Barron Gorge National Park where cassowary have been sighted.

In addition the application contains contradictory information regarding the requirements and level of protection of the vegetation on the lots. The watercourse running through these lots is the strongest tributary of the Jum Rum creek system,  which is known to contain the endangered Myola frog in its lower reaches. It is also known anecdotally in the community that the proponents wishes to further subdivide the lots.

Given that the property is zoned rural under both 2004 and 2016 planning schemes, that the land is steep in nature and therefore has not been successful as a grazing property, that there has been clear, systematic destruction of large trees on the property to date, it is unclear that the proponent would suffer any loss of benefit by denying the application under the 2004 planning scheme.

Please can you vote for the environment tomorrow and request a deferral of Item 5 ,  application under the 2004 MSC plan, while more information is sought regarding the likely of clearing under the 2016 plan being curtailed and a robust estimate of the benefit being foregone by the proponent in not being able to apply under the 2004 scheme. 

Please note that if approved this clearing application will be immediately referred to the Federal department dealing with the EPBC Act. 

Cathy Retter

On behalf of the Kuranda Envirocare executive