SENT: 10 March 2017
Geraldine McGuire – KUR-World


Hi Geraldine

I have a couple of questions regarding misleading and false advertising on the KUR-World website

Today the site of the future KUR-World Integrated Resort is home to KUR-Cow, a cattle grazing and organic farm venture.

What do you mean by organic farm venture?

Is it certified organic?

Are you referring to the roughly 1 acre garden and orchard Organic Motion is setting up?

If so, that does not qualify to be called a farm venture.

According to MSC plan 2016 and QLD government the minimum size for a viable farm is 60 hectares. That is where the minimum lot size of 60 hectares for rural zoned lots comes from.

The word Eco-Resort and Eco-Tourism is used to further green wash KUR-World.

The current owner has cleared about 300 acres of native vegetation which was essential Cassowary habitat before Newman changed the vegetation management mapping. The cleared land now matches the footprint of KUR-World.

Apart from Cassowary habitat the cleared land was also part of wildlife corridors in an ecologically fragile area(a narrowing in the Wet Tropics)

With that negative start in mind, how do you justify using the word Eco in association with any future plans of the Barnwell property?

Are you planning to obtain a meaningful Australian Eco certification?

Please find attached an excerpt from the 20 July 2016 MSC minutes regarding a development application  to subdivide a rural block.

Grounds for refusal being non viable size.

I look forward to hearing from you



ATTACHMENT: MSC-Minutes 20 July 2016

RECEIVED: 10 March 2017

Dear Nadine

Thank you for your questions below.

I will provide a formal response after collating the answers from the project team.

You are also very welcome to come along with your questions and view the revised Master Plan which has taken into account many of these and other concerns raised at the community meeting last October.

ThE next KUR-World Kuranda Pop-up Stall is scheduled for Thursday 23rd March from 5-7pm outside Foodworks and we will also be holding another Open Day on Barnwell Farm in late April.



Dr Geraldine McGuire
Manager – Community Engagement

SENT: 10 March 2017

Hi Geraldine

Thanks for your reply and promise to answer my questions.

Is the new masterpan available for download?

I also forgot to include the link to eco Tourism Australia in my letter before. It is about green washing tourism and possibly a good reference for the KUR-World proposal. If you find that the advertising is in fact misleading and green washing would you please kindly correct your website.



RECEIVED: 10 March 2017

Hi Nadine

Thanks for the link below which I will read with interest.

The Master Plan is still undergoing a few more changes before being loaded onto the website.

It should be ready within the next two weeks.



Dr Geraldine McGuire
Manager – Community Engagement