Welcome to the Kuranda Region, Wet Tropics, Far North Queensland

Kuranda Region Planning Group (KRPG) is a network of community groups, residents and government agencies from the Kuranda Region and wildlife experts.

We are campaigning for sustainable development in the Kuranda Region.

We are planning all levels of engagement with our community – from online polls to canvas community views, presentation and sharing of community ideas to strengthen our local economy in an environmentally sustainable and socially just way, regular Mareeba Shire Council updates on what is planned for our Kuranda Region, and other programs and projects as we build meaningful community engagement online.

Join us Kuranda Region community groups and residents!

If you’re new to our website and interested in getting involved in upcoming community matters, issues and views, please SUBSCRIBE to our NEWSLETTER.

That way you’re sure to get the latest local community info straight to your inbox!

Disclaimer: This website provides a forum open to everyone working towards an ecologically sustainable future. All opinions are welcome provided they do not contain offensive material ( e.g. racist, sexist, homophobic). Not all the opinions expressed on this website will be shared by all members of  our network.We aim to be as accurate as possible in all our material. If you spot any errors, please let us know- info@kurandaregion.org or via the Contact form.


Current activities…